AM4U "Love is in the Air" Showtime Event

Info and Tickets

AM4U Showtime Event Official Poster
Northmead Bowling Club
21/06/2015 - 5:00pm

166 Windsor Road
Northmead NSW 2152

You are still able to buy tickets at the door after 4PM until sold out. Seating is limited.

Join us for an exciting evening of our AM4U Showtime Event! What awaits you is an evening filled with musical talent, a relaxing Sunday treat for the whole family within licensed premises. Experience our students perform in the modern day romantic comedy "Love is in the Air" - a story of love, greed and tragedy!

Bring your family for a unique evening out!

The ticket price includes the evening's entertainment.

Northmead Bowling Club is a licensed club.

Adult 13yrs+ $25
Child 5-12yrs $10
Children 4yrs- under FREE, provided they can share a seat or sit in a pram
Ticket-sale at the door, until sold out.

Event Tickets

Adult Ticket
Event Tickets: 
Free trial lesson main image.

Free Trial Lesson

AM4U is an insider's tip for singing education in Sydney's Hills area. Children, teenagers and adults  learn singing in a relaxed atmosphere in a fully equipped studio and online using ZOOM.  AM4U's students achieve outstanding results in singing competitions and exams each year. AM4U is a Registered Provider for NSW Creative Kids. If you would like to come along for a Free trial lesson please call AM4U on mob. 0423 157 340

Tuition in Baulkham Hills

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